
Next XTC Program begins Monday, April 1


 One of my favorite programs we’ve ever offered is XTC (extreme training camp). I love it because it’s a 4-week commitment with one coach. You work out 4X per week and every workout is specifically designed to be high intensity and give you the biggest bang for your buck. Your workouts get progressively more challenging throughout the program and because there is a small group (only 12 people max), you get tons of personal attention from the coach. There is also accountability, which is a key component to achieving your goals.  The coaches will hunt you down if you have unannounced absences.  Plus, there is initial and ending measurements including weight, body composition, and fitness assessments, so you can measure your progress.

This coming round starts April 1, on our 12 year anniversary date. We have 2 time slots.   You can sign up by calling the studio at (562) 430-3006.  Or if you’re still not sure, call and set up a free Fit Desk Appointment with Chase or Alexen.  They’ll explain the program and help you decide if it’s the best choice for you.  If not, they’ll help you find the classes or program that will help you get to your goals the most efficient way that fits into your budget and schedule.  Go extreme!

Chase7AM M/T/W/Th with Chase – a force to be reckoned with










320090_270653219620661_3550428_n7pm M/W; 7:30pm T/Th with Alexen – the energizer bunny

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