
5 Reasons to Take Your STOTT PILATES Certification Exam

5 Reasons to take your STOTT PILATES® Exam…Now!

Review and Exam Prep

  1. Finish what you started!  You’ve worked so hard to get through the course and learn the material.  It can be nerve wracking to take an exam, but this is how you and everyone else knows that you’ve learned what you need to be one the best Pilates instructors in the business!
  2. We’re rooting for you!  At John Garey Fitness & Pilates, we’re in the business of helping you achieve your goals.  We’ve certified hundreds of instructors over last 12 years. You came into the program wanting to be a certified Pilates Instructor.  We offer one of the best ways to prepare to take your exam – our review sessions – even if you’ve fallen off of the ‘study train’ since you took your Pilates course(s).  Our 2 Review Sessions designed by John Garey, Master Instructor Trainer, help you prepare and let you know if you are ready, and if not – what areas you need to focus on.  Check out this link and click on the Reviews and Exams tab to read more about our reviews.
  3. Make more money!  The best places to teach require that you are certified and they typically pay more than those facilities that don’t require a certification.  And even studios and fitness facilities that may hire you without being certified, will often pay more money to those who are certified.  Once certified, you’ll have access to the Job Postings on the Merrithew Health & Fitness Website – most of which require you to be certified.
  4. Professionalism!  You will be seen by others, both clients and colleagues, as more professional once you are certified.  Clients definitely want to work with someone they know is qualified and who has finished their certification process.  You’ll be able to
  5. Success!  The main reason I hear that students don’t take their exam is that they’re nervous they won’t pass.  Remember that a little nervousness is actually a performance enhancer – it can sharpen your mind, and improve your performance.  Our Instructor Trainers work very hard at making you feel as comfortable as possible, so you’ll perform better.  We can’t give you the answers, of course, but we’ll do what we can to steer you in the right direction.  Our number one goal is to prepare you to be a great instructor and we strongly believe that being certified is a major step in that direction.  And in the end, the exam is part of the learning process.  So if you don’t pass, you can always retest.  So don’t let nerves get in the way of your successful career.  Contact us today and we’ll help get you on the certification track again and help you achieve your goal of becoming a STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructor.

For more information or to sign up for our Exam Review Sessions this coming weekend with John Garey, Master Instructor Trainer, call (562) 430-3006.

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