
STOTT PILATES® Stability Chair™ for the Older Adult

More and more older adults are maintaining an active lifestyle, and exercise is an important aspect of this choice. The STOTT PILATES® Split-Pedal Stability Chair lends itself perfectly to those who are decreasing strength and mobility may not allow them to work out on the floor or supine on other equipment. Learn how the features of the Chair create a routine focusing on core strength and stability, postural awareness and alignment, joint mobility and balance. Specific exercises, developed by the Merrithew team, focus on functional activities like stair climbing and getting up from a chair.

Learning objectives

  1. Apply the STOTT PILATES Five Basic Principles of stabilization to select Stability Chair exercises
  2. Understand how movements may need to be modified for older adults
  3. Discover why STOTT PILATES exercise is beneficial in cases of restricted mobility
  4. Learn movements that focus on stability, mobility, balance and control, and how to modify movements for this clientele

Equipment used in this workshop

  • Stability Chair
  • Padded Platform Extender or Foam Cushion ‘C’
  • Reformer Box
  • Flex-Band®
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