Click on the link below for the latest news from the JG Insider. Take advantage of our 10% off sale to celebrate 12 years on serving Long Beach. Read about give aways and our Anniversary Challenge. In Instructor Training news, check out our STOTT PILATES Summer School Express Series, taught primarily by John Garey, Master Instructor Trainer.
JG Insider 12th Anniversary Edition
Archive | Education News
Active parents have smarter, healthier, active longer living kids. Get moving! You’re a role model!
March 2, 2013
Functional Anatomy 101 with John garey This coming Saturday and Sunday, FEB 23 and 24.
February 17, 2013
I’m so excited about our new and improved FA101 workshop. 2 days, 5 hours per day and just $200. I’ve designed the program to be interactive, give tons of useful tips on how to learn anatomy and cover the essentials for any fitness instructor, personal trainer, or just enthusiastic health and fitness participant. I’ve always felt it was important to know about the body, and I’m so happy to share this knowledge with you. So even if you’ve taken anatomy with us, or anyone, before, this course was designed with you in mind.
I look forward to seeing you at the workshop. Contact the studio to sign up (562) 430-3006.