
STOTT PILATES® Pre-natal Pilates on the Reformer

Learn the benefits of taking moms-to-be from traditional Matwork variations to select exercise modifications on the Reformer in this workshop, developed by the Merrithew team. Using current exercise guidelines provided by the ACOG and bearing in mind common anatomical and physiological changes, appropriate STOTT PILATES® exercise adaptations are explored using the Reformer in innovative and beneficial ways. Workout safety and effectiveness remain paramount and the client’s risk factors, pre-pregnancy fitness level, health concerns and fitness goals are to be taken in to account when creating new and ongoing programs.

Learning objectives

  1. Apply the Five Basic Principles of STOTT PILATES to specific exercises on the Reformer
  2. Understand movement essence and exercise goals for the prenatal client
  3. Explore how exercise choices are made for the prenatal client and what modifications may need to be incorporated
  4. Hear cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness
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