
STOTT PILATES® Jumpboard Strength & Conditioning

Learn programming to improve the strength and stability of hip, knee and ankle joints in both supine and standing positions in this workshop developed by the Merrithew team. The use of a Jumpboard with the Reformer allows the hip joint to be closer to an anatomically neutral alignment when transferring forces from the soles of the feet up through the body, promoting good biomechanics of the entire lower kinetic chain. Increased spring resistance emphasizes strengthening of the arms, shoulder girdle and legs.

Learning objectives

  1. Apply the Five Basic Principles of the STOTT PILATES® method to exercises on the Jumpboard
  2. Understand movement essence and exercise goals as applied to athletic conditioning
  3. Discover how simple moves and increased tension can address specific strengthening goals
  4. Learn how to alter starting positions to increase core strength and stability

Equipment used in this workshop

  • Reformer
  • Jumpboard or Jumpboard with Cross-bow (1 per Reformer )
  • Foam Cushion C or Small Balance Pad (1 per Reformer, optional)
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