Try our Fit Desk for free!
Our Fitdesk is a complimentary service available to current and prospective clients. These sessions are led by one of our certified instructors, who will discuss your fitness and/or physical goals and help create a plan for you to achieve them.
During your FitDesk appointment you will have the option of taking some baseline measurements (weight, body measurements, bodyfat percentage, …). These measurements give you the option of comparing your results after a month or more of working out with us.
One of the main tools we use during a FitDesk appointment is our class schedule. We know it’s huge and it can take a while to know which classes will be the best fit for you. Our trainers can fast track that process for your during your FitDesk appointment; they will recommend a class schedule that fits your goals, your schedule and what you (we hope!) will enjoy the most.