

John Garey

John Garey

John-Full-Body-ShotJohn-Action-ShotJohn Garey is the President and Founder of John Garey Fitness & Pilates and is the creator of John Garey TV.  He is a STOTT PILATES Fully Certified Instructor, PMA (Pilates Method Alliance) Certified Instructor, an ACE (American Counsel on Exercise) Certified Group Fitness Instructor, and also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through NSCA.  John earned his MS in Physical Education from New York University.  

John is the first Merrithew Ambassador and CEC Provider for STOTT PILATES.  He is a Master Instructor Trainer emeritus for Merrithew Health & Fitness.  He has starred in 100s of Fitness and Pilates DVDs.  John is an International Pilates and Fitness Presenter and has presented workshops and lectures in 17 countries and counting, and throughout the USA. He has contributed to and appeared in many international publications, including Men's Fitness, Shape, ePregnancy, Pilates Style and the LA Times.

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